Gets information about a column in a SQL result set. The column is
specified by number rather than by name, so this function can be
used to retrieve unknown column names.
Returns the row number of the current row (i.e., the cursor
position) in a SQL result set.
Gets the value of the specified column of the current row (i.e.,
the cursor position) in a SQL result set.
Moves the cursor to the specified row in a SQL result set and
copies that row's values to the mapped tags. If the specified row
doesn't exist — that is, if it's outside the range of the result
set — then the function returns an error code and doesn't change
the mapped tags.
Moves the cursor to the next row in a SQL result set and copies
that row's values to the mapped tags. If there is no next row —
that is, if the current row is the last — then the function returns
an error code and doesn't change the mapped tags.
Selects a set of rows and columns in a database table, initializes
the cursor at the first row of the result set, copies that row's
values to mapped tags, and then returns a cursor handle that can be
referenced by other DB/ERP functions.
Selects a set of rows and columns in a database table, initializes
the cursor at the first row of the result set, copies that row's
values to mapped tags, and then returns a cursor handle that can be
referenced by other DB/ERP functions. (This function is equivalent
to a SQL SELECT statement.)
Moves the cursor to the previous row of the result set and copies
that row's values to the mapped tags. If there is no previous row —
that is, If the current row is the first — then the function
returns an error code and doesn't change the mapped tags.
Gets the total number of rows in a SQL result set.
Deletes selected rows from a database table. (This function is
equivalent to a SQL DELETE statement.)
DBExecute DBExecute is a built-in
scripting function that executes a custom SQL statement on an
external database. If the statement is a query (e.g., SELECT), then
the database values are copied to specified array tags.
Inserts one new row into a database table. (This function is
equivalent to a SQL INSERT statement.)
DBSelect DBSelect is a built-in
scripting function that selects a result set from an external
database (equivalent to a SQL SELECT statement), maps the columns
to array tags in your project, and copies the values from the
result set to the array tags.
Selects a result set and then writes the same value to all rows of
a specified column. (This function is equivalent to a SQL UPDATE