DBExecute is a built-in scripting function that executes a custom SQL statement on an external database. If the statement is a query (e.g., SELECT), then the database values are copied to specified array tags.
Function | Group | Execution | Windows | Embedded | Thin Client |
DBExecute | Database/ERP | Synchronous | Supported | Supported | Supported |
SELECT * INTO inmates FROM OPENROWSET ('MSDASQL','Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DEFAULTDIR=C:\;Extensions=CSV;','SELECT * FROM flat.csv')
In IWS, however, curly brackets are used to reference project tags in text fields that are not normally evaluated (e.g., in the caption of a Button object). If you pass a SQL statement that includes such an expression to DBExecute, then the project will try to evaluate the expression as a tag reference and the function will fail.
AuxTag = "{Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)}" DBExecute( "inmates", "SELECT * INTO inmates FROM OPENROWSET ('MSDASQL','Driver={AuxTag};DEFAULTDIR=C:\;Extensions=CSV;','SELECT * FROM flat.csv')")
This parameter is required only when strSQL contains a SQL SELECT statement. For all other types of statements, this parameter is ignored and can be omitted. However, if you need to maintain the syntax of the function in order to continue through to optStrErrorTag, then give this parameter an empty string ("").
This parameter is required only when strSQL contains a SQL SELECT statement. For all other types of statements, this parameter is ignored and can be omitted. However, if you need to maintain the syntax of the function in order to continue through to optStrErrorTag, then give this parameter a value of 0.
This is an optional parameter.
This function returns the total number of rows affected by the SQL statement. If an error occurs, then it returns a negative number.
Please note this is the value returned by the function itself; in the case of a SQL SELECT statement, the database values are copied to the array tags specified by optStrTags.
This feature emulates SQL (Structured Query Language) database operations. You should be familiar with how SQL statements are formed and executed before you use this feature.
DBExecute( "DB1", "INSERT INTO Table1(Column1,Column2) values(1,1)" )
DBExecute( "DB1", "SELECT max(Column1),max(Column2) FROM Table1", "Tag1,Tag2", 1, "TagError" )