
Displays a Virtual Keyboard to prompt the runtime user to enter a tag value.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
KeyPad Module Activity Asynchronous Supported Supported Supported


KeyPad( "strTagName", optStrKeyboardName, optNumIsPassword, optStrHint, optNumMin, optNumMax, optNumESign, optStrConfirmation )
The name of the tag to which the Virtual Keyboard will write.

This name must be enclosed in quotes; if it is not, then the project will try to get the contents of the tag.

Type of Virtual Keyboard that will be launched (e.g., AlphaNumeric, EnhKeypad, or Keypad ). If this parameter is omitted, then the default Virtual Keyboard will be launched.
If this parameter is set with any value different from 0 (zero), the characters typed in the Virtual Keyboard will appear as asterisks ("*"). This option is useful when the user is typing a password.
The value specified for this parameter is displayed in the title bar of the Virtual Keyboard window, if the Show Hint option is selected in the project settings.
optNumMin, optNumMax
Minimum and maximum numeric values for the Tag when using the Keypad keyboard type, if the Show MIN/MAX fields option is selected in the project settings. (These values are ignored for all other keyboard types.) These parameters are optional, but you must specify both to have them implemented. If you specify only one parameter — for example, Min but not Max — then it will be ignored.
If this parameter is set with any value different from 0 (zero), then the user will be prompted to log on to complete the input and the action will be noted in the log.
The value specified for this parameter is displayed in a confirmation dialog that the user must acknowledge to complete the input.
Note: Confirmation cannot be automated or bypassed; only an actual key press or mouse click by the user will acknowledge the dialog.

This is an optional parameter. If no value is specified, then no dialog is displayed.

Returned value

Error Description
0 Success
1 Error
2 Tag does not exist
3 Reentrant error, function is already executing
4 Invalid number of parameters
5 Internal error, contact Technical Support for more information


Tag Name Expression
Tag KeyPad( "tagA" )
Tag KeyPad( "tagA", "EnhKeypad" )
Tag KeyPad( "tagA", "EnhKeypad", 1 )
Tag KeyPad( "tagA", "EnhKeypad", 1, "My Input", 0, 100 )