
Sets the active translation file and translates all enabled text within the project.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client
SetTranslationFile Translation Synchronous Supported Supported Supported


SetTranslationFile(strFileName { | ,optStrColumnName } )
The name of a translation file
The name of the column from the translation file, which must be used to translate the texts in the project. When omitted, the second column from the translation file will be used by default.

Returned value

0 Success.
−1 Invalid number of parameters.
−2 Wrong parameter type.
−3 Translation file could not be found or opened.


Tag Name Expression
Tag SetTranslationFile( "Portuguese.tra" )
Tag SetTranslationFile( "German.tra" )
Tag SetTranslationFile( "Mytranslation.csv" , "Portuguese" )
Tag SetTranslationFile( "Mytranslation.csv" , "German" )
Note: You must enable the Translation option from the Project Settings dialog for this function to work.
You must have a translation file in the Translation Tool.