
Table 1. Arithmetic Operators
Symbol Name Description
^ Exponentiation Raises a number to the power of an exponent.
- Unary negation Finds the difference between two numbers or indicates the negative value of a numeric expression.
* Multiplication Multiplies two numbers.
/ Division Divides two numbers and returns a floating-point result.
\ Integer division Divides two numbers and returns an integer result.
Mod Modulus arithmetic Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder.
+ Addition Finds the sum of two numbers.
- Subtraction Finds the difference between two numbers or indicates the negative value of a numeric expression.
& String concatenation Forces string concatenation of two expressions.
Table 2. Comparison Operators
Symbol Name Description
= Equality Comparison is True if the first expression is equal to the second expression.
<> Inequality Comparison is True if the first expression is different from the second expression.
< Less than Comparison is True if the first expression is less than the second expression.
> Greater than Comparison is True if the first expression is greater than the second expression.
<= Less than or equal to Comparison is True if the first expression is less than or equal to the second expression.
>= Greater than or equal to Comparison is True if the first expression is greater than or equal to the second expression.
Is Object equivalence Compares two object reference variables. Comparison is True if both object names refer to the same object.
Table 3. Logical Operators
Symbol Name Description
Not Logical negation Performs logical negation on an expression.
And Logical conjunction Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions.
Or Logical disjunction Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions.
Xor Logical exclusion Performs a logical exclusion on two expressions.
Eqv Logical equivalence Performs a logical equivalence on two expressions.
Imp Logical implication Performs a logical implication on two expressions.
Table 4. Assignment Operators
Symbol Name Description
= Assignment Assigns a value to a variable or property.