- Description
- Returns or sets a descriptive string associated with
an error.
- FirstIndex
- Returns the position in a search string where a
match occurs.
- Global
- Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates if a
pattern should match all occurrences in an entire search string or
just the first one.
- HelpContext
- Sets or returns a context ID for a topic in a Help
- HelpFile
- Sets or returns a fully qualified path to a Help
- IgnoreCase
- Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates if a
pattern search is case-sensitive or not.
- Length
- Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates if a
pattern search is case-sensitive or not.
- Number
- Returns or sets a numeric value specifying an error.
Number is the Err object's default property.
- Pattern
- Sets or returns the regular expression pattern being
searched for.
- Source
- Returns or sets the name of the object or
application that originally generated the error.
- Value
- Returns the value or text of a match found in a
search string.