2.1.2   Software Install checklist

The Installation of the Project Node and/or SCADA Node software must be done from the CD or a network copy of the CD.  (The Client can be downloaded and installed from the Project Node using a web browser).

The Project Node must have Web Server software.  Internet Information Server (IIS) is the web server in Windows 2000, XP Professional, Server 2003, Vista Business and Vista Ultimate.  The WWW publishing service of IIS is required. SMTP and FTP are not required. 

The SCADA node must be Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Server 2003Vista Business or Vista Ultimate. SCADA nodes do not need IIS or any web server software.


Note   - Windows 98, XP Home and Vista Home do not have web server software and cannot be a Project Node or SCADA node.  Please refer to the System Requirements in the previous section 1.4 for more information.

The SCADA node and Project node are not "together" always.  You can have many SCADA nodes in a project; but usually there is only one Project node (sometimes a backup project node is also used). To address these different software configurations, there are four installation options from the Node Installation Program (Setup.exe):

1.      Install the Project Node and SCADA node on the same computer.

2.      Install only Project node

3.      Install only SCADA node

4.      Install only OPC service

Installation Options 2, 3 and 4 are intended to be on separate computers.

1) Install Project and SCADA Node Software. This is intended for a "standalone" system on a single PC. It is used to make a PC both the Project Node (Configuration Tool) and a SCADA node (connected to automation devices).  Install Option 1 will install Project Node software (ASP files), the centralized database (bwCfg.mdb), SCADA Node Software, Communications Drivers, the OPC Service, ViewDAQ and DrawDAQ. The PC will be able to communicate with automation devices.

The PC must have a Windows Operating System that provides a Web Server: Windows 2000, XP Professional or Server 2003 with Internet Information Server (IIS).  A Hardkey and License file is required for the SCADA node to run in communication mode.

2) Install Project node software This will make this PC a Project Node ONLY.  It is intended for network architectures where the Web Server (Project Node) is separate from any SCADA nodes. This might be done for security, administrative or cost reasons. It will convert a SCADA node to a Project Node even if SCADA software was previously installed. 

Project Node software is a collection of ASP pages that are "served" by a web server to client web browsers. Install Option 2 will install Project Node software (ASP files), the centralized database (bwCfg.mdb), and DrawDAQ. The acts as a centralized database server and the configuration tool.

The PC must have a Windows Operating System that provides a Web Server: Windows 2000, XP Professional or Server 2003 with Internet Information Server (IIS).  No Hardkey or License file is required for Project Only Node.

Note - option 2 (Install Project Node) will convert an existing SCADA or combined Project/SCADA node to be a Project Node Only.

3) Install SCADA node software.  This will make this PC a SCADA Node ONLY. It's used for systems with multiple SCADA nodes in a project.  SCADA nodes do not need to be a web server.  SCADA nodes do not need the Project Node software installed on the same PC.   Install Option 3 will install SCADA Node Software, Communications Drivers, the OPC Service, and ViewDAQ.  The PC will be able to communicate with automation devices. The Hardkey and Software License Control File are required for the SCADA node to run in communications mode.

The PC must have Windows 2000, XP Professional or Server 2003.   No Web server is required.  There must be a project node somewhere on the network to configure this SCADA node's database. 

Note - option 3 (Install SCADA Node) will convert an existing Project or combined Project/SCADA node to be a SCADA Node Only.

4) Install OPC service software. Installation Option 4 is intended for a remote OPC server that is not on the same computer as a SCADA node.  If a SCADA node is to access the OPC server of a remote computer, then the OPC Service must be installed on that remote OPC Server computer.  No Hardkey or license is required for this option.  This is not an OPC Server.  This is a service that allows the WebAccess OPC Tool to communicate to an OPC Server using a TCP/IP connection over the Internet.


Pentium III, Pentium IV, Celeron or Athlon processors are recommended for the Project Node and SCADA nodes. 

A network card is needed for network applications.  A Stand-alone node can benefit from some sort of network access to allow remote access and remote software administration.  Windows provides a service called RAS that allows remote dial-up over a modem.    A network card and a cross-link cable provide an easy method to copy data to or from a laptop

File System

NTFS file system recommended for Project Node and SCADA nodes.  NTFS provides Security and it is faster. FAT provides no security and is not appropriate for the Web Server (Project Node) or SCADA node.

Operating System

Project Node operating System: Windows 2000, Server 2003, Windows Vista (Business or Ulitmate) or Windows XP (Professional). with IIS.    A Project Node separate from the SCADA node increases the security of your SCADA node.

SCADA Node: Windows 2000, Server 2003, Windows Vista (Business or Ulitmate) or Windows XP (Professional).  SCADA nodes do not need web server software.

TCP/IP Service is required. This includes Standalone architecture nodes with Project and SCADA nodes combined and no network.  The loop back service can be installed for a standalone system.  Note that all configuration is through a Web Browser using IIS and the TCP/IP protocol.

XP home will not work for Project Node (there is no Web Server feature). XP Home is not supported for SCADA node.   XP Home, Windows 98 and ME can only be used as Clients; although it is strongly recommended to use Windows 2000 Professional and XP Professional for your clients.   Windows 98, ME or XP Home do not support all animation features of WebAccess.  Video, Bitmap rotation and Text rotation are not supported by Windows 98, ME or XP Home.

Professional or Server?

The Number of simultaneous connections to Project Node will affect your decision to use 2000 Professional or Server  (or XP Professional or Server).   Professional is limited to 10 simultaneous connections.  Database Configuration, DRAW and the Thin Client require continuous connections to project node (Web Server).    

Connections to the SCADA node by Clients using VIEW are temporary and re-direct to the SCADA node after an initial connection to the Project Node (Web Server).    Clients have a short-lived connection to the Project Node (Web Server) to get the address of the SCADA node and to get a single ASP page.  The connection from Client to Web Server is then dropped until the Client either presses the refresh button (not done during normal use of Web Access) or reconnects to SCADA node.

If you are using the Thin Client feature and have more than 10 users that will connect simultaneously, you should consider using 2000 Server or XP server with an expanded user license.

Web Server

IIS (Internet Information Server) is required for the Project Node.  IIS is a standard option in Windows 2000, XP Professional, Vista Business, Vista Ulitmate and Server 2003. 

IIS must be installed before WebAccess Project Node software is installed. You will need the Windows Installation CD to Install IIS.

Windows Vista users should install and enable IIS as explained IIS (Internet Information Services).

Service Packs installed.

Service Pack 4 (SP4) is required for Windows 2000. SP2 for XP Professional and SP1 for Server 2003. The latest service packs are recommended to improve security of your project and SCADA nodes. It is also recommended to use the Windows Update feature in Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0 to download and install the latest security updates from Microsoft:
 From the IE 6.0 or 7.0 menu bar select Tools -> Windows Update. (Note, IE 7.0 users may need to press the Alt key in order to see the top menu bar in IE 7).

Internet Explorer  6.0 or 7.0

WebAccess uses ASP (Active Server Pages) for its configuration (Project Manager) and the initial page (VIEW). IE 6.0 or &.0 must have ASP enabled.

Netscape and IE 5.5 can be used for evaluation purposes only. IE 5.5 appears to work, but does not process Java scripts correctly and can potentially corrupt your Database.  Never press the "submit" if using IE 5.0 to view configuration data. IE 5.5 does not support most video. Netscape is slower than IE 6 and although it appears to work, it is not recommended. Netscape does not support any video.

Security to install Software

Windows 2000, Server 2003, Windows XP and Windows Vista users must have security to install the client.

Administrators or Power Users privilege is required for 2000, 2003, XP or Vista.

FTP Security:

The FTP service is not required by WebAccess and can be disabled or not installed.   If using FTP for another application, the FTP server's directory (ftproot) should be configured as read-only by Internet Users.  It is not recommended to require a LOGIN for FTP, since passwords are easily intercepted in the FTP protocol.  (This is in contrast to the Web Server security).

SMTP Server (optional, not recommended).

The SMTP service is not needed on the Project Node if using Email Alarm Notification, Email of Scheduled Reports or MAIL commands. WebAccess normally uses an external SMTP Server (for example the corporate email server or and ISP) to forward email. Optionally, you can allow the Project node to forward email directly.

Web Server Security

Integrated Windows Authentication for the Web Server is most secure.   It will require users to login with a password.  It requires that users be "recognized" Windows Users on the Project Node PC as a local User or as a Domain User.   If users are all part of a members of the domain used by the Project Node (or local users of the Project Node), the login will be transparent (i.e. no dialog box asking for password) much like connecting to a shared drive or printer on your company's intranet.

It is recommended to remove "everyone" from Inetpub subdirectory and replaced with Authorized Users.

Authorized Users should replace Everyone in the security settings for c:\WebAccess and C:\InetPub\wwwroot\broadweb and subdirectories.  This allows WebAccess software to access these directories regardless of who is logged on to the Project Node or SCADA node.

If you have many users (for example a college campus), then Anonymous Logon is probably your best option.  But you should not use Anonymous LOGON to the Web Server unnecessarily (this is in contrast to FTP).

Windows Vista users should install and enable IIS as explained IIS (Internet Information Services).

Network Addresses (IP or Computer Name) 

The Project Node and SCADA nodes require some sort of Fixed Address.   You can use either:

·         Public IP address or URL (required if users outside your intranet are to connect). IP addresses must be fixed IP for SCADA and Project Nodes.

·         Private IP address, if all your clients are on an intranet. IP addresses must be fixed IP for SCADA and Project Nodes (a VPN or intranet).

·         Network Name if the SCADA node and Project node and all clients are on same network (a VPN, an intranet or LAN).

Remote Access Code

The Remote Access Code for SCADA node(s) and the Project Node is highly recommended.  This code is applied during software installation of the SCADA Node and Project Node software.  This code prevents unauthorized users from hijacking your Project node or SCADA node.


Use the remote access code to prevent other from installing projects on your SCADA node or using your project node!

Software License Control File and Hardkey

You will need the Software License Control file during Installation of the SCADA node.  The 'Control File" is usually distributed on a Floppy Diskette with your package.   The  "Control File" must match your Hardkey.

If you have multiple SCADA nodes, you have to install a different 'Control File" on each SCADA node and the "Control File" serial number must match your Hardkey's serial number.

If you do not have a Software License Control File, the "Demo License" will be installed.  The Demo License is limited to 150 tags in Simulation Mode only.

Also called the SCADA Node License file, this is normally on the original CD shipped to you or is emailed to you. It is named bwkserv.exe.