Data Sources Diagnostics

The data sources diagnostics offer detailed connection information for each data source configured on your Proficy Portal server. The data connections are listed by name. Each data source provides a list of unique parameters and values. When you expand the data source node, you will also see one or more connection nodes. The connection node corresponds to the connection credentials (set for each source in Connectors & Data Sources). For example, if you have an iHistorian data source called TestHistorian, with a user name set as `TestUser', then you will see the name `TestUser' on the connection node label. Click the connection node to see additional parameters and values specific to the data source connection.

The following data source types can be viewed and configured in the Settings & Diagnostics panel:


The Alarms node displays the Last Statement sent to the Alarms connector, and allows you to view the Alarm connector's configuration. The following parameters are supplied:

Settings & Diagnostics: Alarms Connector Parameters 



Last Statement

Displays the last alarm statement generated for the data source.

Database Type

Displays the type of database you are connected to.

Table name

Displays the name of the database table you want to read alarms from.


Displays the URL of the database.


Displays the login name used to connect to the database.


The iFIX/FIX32 node displays the following parameters:

Settings & Diagnostics: iFIX/FIX32 Connector Parameters 



Is Fix Running

Displays whether or not the local FIX node is running.

Last Exception 0 to LastException4

Displays the error text of the last five exceptions that have been thrown.

Loaded Database

Displays the name of the database currently running on the FIX SCADA that the connector is connected to.

Number of Batches

Displays the number of times the connector has performed a batch operation.

Number of Reads

Displays the number of times the connector has performed a read operation.

Number of Writes

Displays the number of times the connector has performed a write operation.

Number of items

Displays the current number of items that are active (not timed out) in the connector.

iHistorian Connector

The iHistorian node displays the following parameters:

Settings & Diagnostics: iHistorian Connector Parameters 



Active Connections

Displays the total number of connection objects in the connection pool that are currently loaned out of the pool, and are being used. It will usually read 0.

Default User

Displays the username specified for use with this data source. If no username is displayed, the default username and password are used.

Idle Connections

Displays the total number of connection objects in the connection pool that are currently in use, and are available to be loaned out.


Displays the name of the Historian server that this data source is connected to.

Avg. Batch Read Time

Displays the average time taken to perform batch read requests.


Avg. Read Time

Displays the average time taken to perform individual read requests.


Avg. Write Time

Displays the average time taken to perform individual write requests.



Displays true if there is at least one active connection to the Historian server.

Displays false if there are no active connections to the Historian server.

Last Batch Read Time

Displays the time it took to perform the last batch read request.

Last Read Time

Displays the time it took to perform the last individual read request.

Last Write Time

Displays the time it took to perform the last write request.

Max. Batch Read Time

Displays the maximum time taken to complete a batch read request. This is calculated from all of the batch reads that have been performed.

Max. Read Time

Displays the maximum time taken to complete an individual read request. This is calculated from all of the individual reads that have been performed.

Max. Write Time

Displays the maximum time taken to complete a write request. This is calculated from all of the write requests that have been performed.

Min. Batch Read Time

Displays the minimum time taken to complete a batch read request. This is calculated from all of the batch reads that have been performed.

Min. Read Time

Displays the minimum time taken to complete an individual read request. This is calculated from all of the individual reads that have been performed.

Min. Write Time

Displays the minimum time taken to complete a write request. This is calculated from all of the write requests that have been performed.

Server Version

Displays the version of the Historian server that is connected.

Total Batch Reads

Displays the total number of batch reads that have occurred for this user, to this data source.

Total Reads

Displays the total number of individual reads that have occurred for this user, to this data source.

Total Writes

Displays the total number of writes that have occurred for this user, to this data source.

NOTE: All times are expressed in milliseconds.

CIMPLICITY HMI Logger Connector

The CIMPLICITY HMI Logger node displays the following parameters:

Settings & Diagnostics: CIMPLICITY HMI Logger Parameters 



Database Overview

Displays information gathered from the database. The first few fields are for internal use. The "ora?" field indicates whether Proficy Portal thinks the database is an Oracle database. The "milli?" field indicates whether Proficy Portal found an "msec" column in the database. The rest of the parameter value shows the database product name and product version, as reported by the driver.

Point list browse
times for data log

Displays the time it took to get the list of distinct point IDs from the data log tables.

Query 00 - 19

Displays the elapsed time for the query and the actual query that was issued to the database. Some of the queries retrieve data, while other queries retrieve `meta data' about the query results.

Table Overview

Displays all the tables in the database and whether Proficy Portal found a timestamp column or point_id column. Proficy Portal uses this information to determine whether the table is a "group log" table or a "data log" table.

Total Browses

The number of times the data source has inspected the database for tables and points. This will change as users press the Refresh button for the data source.

Total Executes

The number of times the data source has been asked to fetch data from the database.


The CIMPLICITY HMI node displays the following parameters:

Settings & Diagnostics: CIMPLICITY HMI Connector Parameters 



Transport in Use

Displays whether the connector dll is local or remote.

Transport Configuration

Displays the configuration string for the transport.

Browse loaded

Specifies whether or not the browse interface is loaded.

ItemIO loaded

Specifies whether or not the ItemIO interface is loaded.

BatchIO loaded

Specifies whether or not the BatchIO interface is loaded.

CommandExecution loaded

Specifies whether or not the CommandExecution interface is loaded.

BatchExecution loaded

Specifies whether or not the BatchExecution interface is loaded.

ItemProperties loaded

Specifies whether or not the ItemProperties interface is loaded.

Diagnostics loaded

Specifies whether or not the Diagnostics interface is loaded.

Relational Databases (JDBC)

The relational database node allows you to view the database URL for the selected data source, and configure the default connection pool settings of the JDBC Source. The following parameters can be configured:

OPC Connector

The OPC Connector node displays the following parameters:

Settings & Diagnostics: OPC Connector Parameters 



Transport in use

Displays whether the connector dll is local or remote (JNI if the C++ connector dll is local; TCP if the connector dll is remote).

Transport Configuration

Displays the configuration string for the transport.

Browse loaded

Specifies whether or not the browse interface is loaded.

ItemIO loaded

Specifies whether or not the ItemIO interface is loaded.

BatchIO loaded

Specifies whether or not the BatchIO interface is loaded.

CommandExecution loaded

Specifies whether or not the CommandExecution interface is loaded.

BatchExecution loaded

Specifies whether or not the BatchExecution interface is loaded.

ItemProperties loaded

Specifies whether or not the ItemProperties interface is loaded.

Diagnostics loaded

Specifies whether or not the Diagnostics interface is loaded.


Displays the Programmatic ID for the OPC server.

Vendor Information

Displays information about the OPC server vendor.

Server Status

Displays the status of the OPC server (running or stopped).

Major Version

Displays the major internal version of the OPC server.

Minor Version

Displays the minor internal version of the OPC server.

Build Number

Displays the build number of the OPC server.

NameSpace Type

Displays the namespace type of the OPC server (HIERARCHICAL or FLAT).

OPC Connection Initialized

Displays whether or not the connector is connected to the OPC server.

Needs Reconnect

Displays whether or not the connector is in an error state and will try to disconnect, if connected and reconnect to the OPC server.

Time of Last Connection

Displays the time that the OPC connector last connected to the OPC server.

Number of Items

Displays the current number of OPC items that are active in the connector.

Number of TimeOuts

Displays the number of items that have timed out due to inactivity and have been removed from the OPC server group.

Number of Read Completed

Displays the number of times that read operations were completed successfully.

Number of Writes Completed

Displays the number of times that write operations were completed successfully.

Number of Batch Operations Completed

Displays the number of times that batch operations were completed successfully.

PI Connector

The PI connector node displays the following parameters:

Settings & Diagnostics: PI Connector Parameters 



Local Name

Displays the name of the local server.

Local Address

Displays the address of the local server.

Local Network Type

Displays the type of network of the local server.

Server Name

Displays the name of the remote server.

Server Address

Displays the address of the remote server.


Displays whether or not the PI connector is connected.

PI_API Version

Displays the API version of the PI connector.

Number of Items

Displays the current number of PI items that are active in the connector.

Number of Reads

Displays the number of read operations performed.

Number of Writes

Displays the number of write operations performed.

Number of Batches

Displays the number of batch operations performed.

Average Read Time MS

Displays the average time in milliseconds for a read operation.

Average Write Time MS

Displays the average time in milliseconds for a write operation.

Average Batch Time MS

Displays the average time in milliseconds for a batch operation.

Minimum Read Time MS

Displays the minimum time in milliseconds for a read operation.

Maximum Read Time MS

Displays the maximum time in milliseconds for a read operation.

Minimum Write Time MS

Displays the minimum time in milliseconds for a write operation.

Maximum Write Time MS

Displays the maximum time in milliseconds for a write operation.

Minimum Batch Time MS

Displays the minimum time in milliseconds for a batch operation.

Maximum Batch Time MS

Displays the maximum time in milliseconds for a batch operation.

Last Read Time MS

Displays the time, in milliseconds, of the last read operation.

Last Write Time MS

Displays the time, in milliseconds, of the last write operation.

Last Batch Time MS

Displays the time, in milliseconds, of the last batch operation.

See Also

Connector Diagnostics