To configure Correlation chart-specific settings

  1. If you have not already done so, insert a chart by selecting it from the Insert menu, or double-click an existing chart to access the chart's configuration panel.

  2. Select the Chart tab.

  3. Configure axes:

    • To show one x axis per data source, select the Show Multiple X Axes check box.

    • To show one y axis per data source, select the Show Multiple Y Axes check box.

    • To show each data source in its own plotting area and y axis, select the Stack Y-Axes check box.

  4. Configure cursors:

    • To show cursors on the chart, select the Show Cursors check box. Enter the number of cursors in the Number of Cursors box.

    • To show Tool Tips, select the Show Tool Tips check box.

  5. Configure zooming parameters:

  6. NOTE: The zoom controls are accessed from the right-click menu during run-time.

    • Select the Enable Horizontal Zoom check box to allow the user to zoom horizonally. In the corresponding Horizontal Percent box, enter a percentage amount for each zoom command (1-100).

    • Select the Enable Vertical Zoom check box to allow the user to zoom vertically. In the corresponding Vertical Percent box, enter a percentage amount for each zoom command (1-100).

  7. Configure scrolling parameters:

    • To show scroll buttons on the chart, select the Show Scroll Buttons check box.

    • In the Scroll Percent box, enter the percentage amount that the chart's left and right scroll buttons will move the data.

    • In the Fast Percent box, enter the percentage amount that the chart's fast left and right scroll buttons will move the data.