The S90 Triplex communications device is a powerful, easy-upgrade for the S90 TCP/IP device communications.
Open the Convert Project to Series 90 Triplex dialog box. |
Select Conversion to S90 Triplex project options. |
Convert the Project to use an S90 Triplex communications device. |
This utility will successfully convert most projects to use Series 90 Triplex.
The Series 90 Triplex option must
be selected and loaded when CIMPLICITY is installed.
You cannot convert an Ethernet
Global device (EGD) in your configuration the project will not be
If you have a cable redundant
Series 90 TCP/IP device communication interface with a cable
redundant PLC each cable redundant PLC will be converted to Simplex
PLC device model.
Please review the Series 90 Triplex documentation to determine additional setup requirements for your application.
Unused ports will be deleted as
part of the conversion.
Diagnostic points specific to the
Series 90 Communication options are not modified. They will
be invalid points when the project is converted.
About Series 90 TCP/IP Triplex