The following limitations apply for automatic Server Redundancy:
You may not use the:
Multiple Projects feature on the
redundant servers
Enterprise Server capability
The following are not supported:
Viewers have the following limitations:
Fail over is not supported for
Viewers in the following cases:
BCEUI displays
CimView screens with embedded
Recipe objects
CimView screens with embedded SPC
Computers that use a Remote
Access Server (RAS) or a Wide Area Network (WAN) connection
Show Users displays
Viewers must have local copies of
CimView screens to operate following fail over.
The primary server in redundancy must be a development server. (This is a licensing requirement.)
If you are accessing at logged data when the primary server fails, you will have to switch to the secondary data source to continue accessing the logged data for:
For Trending, point-buffering information is lost on fail over.
Configuration changes that cannot be made dynamically require the entire project to be shut down on both computers then be updated and restarted.
Dynamic configuration changes can only be made when both computers are running.
Note: You will have to configure the CIMPLICITY Windows service if you want to create Logging tables dynamically triggered by an event.
This includes using an event to trigger scripts that turn on dynamic configuration using object model methods and properties, e.g. CimProject.DynamicMode (property) and CimSystem.OpenSystem (method) .
During fail over, device values are not read and setpoints are not written.
Limitations: Automatic server redundancy. |