The Device Communications (Devcomm) Toolkit:
Enables you to support communications to devices for which standard CIMPLICITY software communication enablers are not available. It provides you with the libraries and build procedures you need to create communication enablers that perform the same functions as standard CIMPLICITY software communication enablers.
Is intended for application development programmers responsible for creating code that will access devices for which standard CIMPLICITY software communication enablers are not available.
Requires familiarity with system design, programming concepts, the Visual C++ programming and CIMPLICITY product features.
The Device Communications Toolkit supports a set of functions that enables a custom communication enabler to:
Update the point database
Schedule point polling
Process unsolicited data
Download setpoints
Update device status (device available/device unavailable)
Generate alarms when a device is not available for communications
Generate communication enabler-specific alarms
When you create a custom communication enabler, the set of functions you support may be limited by the device, the protocol used in communicating with the device, or the scope of your implementation.
Communications enabler overview. |
Device Communications subroutines in the Enabler sample. |
Notes on Internationalization for the Device Communications Toolkit. |
Device Communications enabler design. |
Implementation checklist. |
Create the executable image. |
Add a new driver. |
Demonstration application. |
Programming notes. |
Device Communications Toolkit subroutines. |
Device Communications Toolkit other subroutines. |
Device Communications Toolkit file list. |
Device Communications Toolkit structures. |
About CIMPLICITY Open Interface. |