Guidelines: Add, Insert or Modify an Item in Shifting Regions

Caution: Only advanced Tracker users should attempt to insert into or delete items from a shifting region, as this can change the Tracker representation of the physical shifting region.

Follow the same procedures in the PRT_UI to add, insert or modify an item in a shifting region.

Some results are unique to the shifting region.

Add an item.

Insert an item.

Modify an item.

Add an item into a Shifting Region

New item location is


Not the end location.

  1. The last item in the region is moved to the configured detainment region (if not configured, it is deleted).

  2. All the items from the added location to the end location are shifted one location towards the end location.

If the last item was a blank item, it gets dropped; it does not move into the detainment region.

If the configured detainment region is a shifting region, the item at the last location is not moved to the detainment region; it is deleted. A configured detainment region should never be a shifting region.

End location.

  1. The head item (first location) in the region is moved to the configured transition region (if not configured, it is deleted) and

  2.  All items are shifted one location towards the head location.

Insert an Item into a Shifting Region

New item location is


Not the end location.

  1. The last item in the region is moved to the detainment region (if configured, otherwise it is deleted)

  2. All the items from the inserted location to the end location are shifted one location towards the end location.

If the last item was a blank item, then it gets dropped instead of moving into the detainment region.


End location.

  1. The head item (first location) in the region is moved to the configured transition region (if not configured, it is deleted)

  2. All items are shifted one location towards the head location.

Modify an Item from a Shifting Region

A user cannot modify blank items.

However, the user can correct data by

Editing an export file and

Importing the corrected data.

The export file contains one record for each blank location in the shifting region, designated with a reserved item_type_id of $$GEF@BLK@ITM$$.

No two records having this item_type_id can have the same location number even if the location can contain multiple items.

More information

Option 4.1. Add or insert an item in the PRT_UI.