Record Attribute Spacing

(Available with Order Execution Mgt.)


Record Attribute Spacing adds history data for the currently selected source item to spacing history array points you create or select.

Add this block to the end of any module where you use the Eliminate Sources Based on Attribute Spacing function


Add Record Attribute Spacing to the end of any module where you use the Eliminate Sources Based on Attribute Spacing function block to store information about the item that remains after that elimination.


Eliminate Source by Spacing is in a Resequence Block Module,

Place a Record Attribute Spacing block between that block and the Resequence Range block at the end of that module.

Record Attribute Spacing records only one item's history data to the specified points – the item at the range source head.

Where all item eliminations (by any and all methods) have been completed.

  1. Insert another function block such as

Select Lowest Weight

Select Source By Age

before Record Attribute Spacing to insure that the most appropriate item(s) are selected.

If you have criteria to determine which item should be selected in case of a tie, specify that criteria in an RSA function block inserted before the Select block.

  1. Insert Record Attribute Spacing.


This function block has the following parameters:

Important: Select the same array points previously configured for the corresponding Eliminate Sources block you inserted earlier in this logic or output module.



Attribute Name Array

Text array point.

The names of the selected item's attributes are recorded to elements of this array.

Attribute Value Array

Text array point.

The values of the selected item's respective attributes are recorded to elements of this array.

Spacing Count Array

Integer (analog) array point.

The  current spacing counts for the respective attributes are recorded to the elements of this array.

More information

Eliminate Sources Based on Attribute Spacing.

Record selections and rule violations.

RSA function blocks list.