Technical Reference > CitectSCADA Reference Information > Format Fields > Alarm display fields

Alarm display fields

You can use any of the fields listed below, or the Alarm Summary Fields, to format an alarm display (see Alarm Categories) and an alarm log device (see Formatting an Alarm Display):

Field Name Description


Alarm Tag

Note: If the Tag field is configured to support long names (up to 79 characters), it might cause overlap in an alarm display. Use a smaller display font if long names are expected.


Alarm Tag with Cluster Name prefix

Note: If the TagEx field is configured to support long names (up to 79 characters), it might cause overlap in an alarm display. Use a smaller display font if long names are expected.


Alarm type (string), not localized. Values are: Digital, Analog, Advanced, Multi-Digital, Argyle Analog, Time Stamped, Time Stamped Digital, Time Stamped Analog.


Alarm type number (use AlarmType to get string value instead). Values are:

-1 Invalid
0 Digital
1 Analog
2 Advanced
3 Multi-Digital
4 ArgAna
5 User Event
6 timestamped
7 hardware
8 timestamped digital
9 timestamped analog


The text entered into the Comment field of the alarm properties dialog.


Cluster Name


Alarm custom fields as configured.


Alarm Name

Note: If the Name field is configured to support long names (up to 79 characters), it might cause overlap in an alarm display. Use a smaller display font if long names are expected.


Alarm Name in the expression

Note: If the Native_Name field is configured to support long names (up to 79 characters), it might cause overlap in an alarm display. Use a smaller display font if long names are expected.


Alarm Description


Alarm Description in the native language


Alarm Category


Help Page






Alarm category's priority


The type of alarm or condition:


Alarm date and time in the form: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.ttt]"


The time at which the alarm changed state (hh:mm:ss). (Set the [Alarm]SetTimeOnAck parameter to use this field for the time the alarm is acknowledged.)


The date on which the alarm changed state (dd:mm:yyyy). Be aware that you can change the format used via the parameter [ALARM]ExtendedDate.


The date on which the alarm changed state in extended format.


The current state of the alarm. This field may be used for Alarm Display Only. It is not applicable to Alarm Summary.




Adds milliseconds to the {Time,n} field


High Alarm trigger value


High High Alarm trigger value


Low Alarm trigger value


Low Low Alarm trigger value


Rate of change trigger value


Deviation Alarm trigger value




Display format of the Variable Tag


The current value of the analog variable


The current state of the alarm. This field may be used for Alarm Display Only. It is not applicable to Alarm Summary.


Text string associated with a protocol (communication) error. This field is only associated with hardware errors and contains extra information associated with whatever error is detected (for example if the error is associated with a device, the device name is returned; if the error is associated with a Cicode function, the function name is returned; if the error is associated with an I/O Device, the I/O Device's alert message is returned).


The page, device, etc. associated with the alarm.


The last state that the alarm passed through. (This is useful when logging alarms to a device.)

{State_desc, n}

The configured description (for example healthy or stopped) of a particular state. This description is entered when configuring the Multi-Digital Alarm Properties


Indicates whether the alarm has to be paged. When the value is TRUE the alarm will be paged. The default value is FALSE. See Alarm Paging Properties.

{PagingGroup, n}

Indicates the paging group to which the alarm belongs. Maximum length is 80 characters.


Textual representation of Alarm Acquisition Error.

{AcqError, n}

Numeric representation of Alarm Acquisition Error.

Where n specifies the display field size.

• Any of the above fields can be displayed for any type of alarm. Where not applicable for a particular alarm type, zero or an empty string will be displayed.
• If an alarm value is longer than the field it is to be displayed in (n ), it will be truncated or replaced with the #OVR ("overflow of format width") alert message.
• For summary pages use {SumState}. To log the state to a device, use {LogState}. State is the current state of the alarm, SumState is the state of the alarm when it occurred, and Log State is the state of the alarm at the transition.

See Also