Using the Web Client > The CitectSCADA Web Client > Configuring a deployment

Configuring a deployment

A deployment represents the implementation of a CitectSCADA project on the Web Server. It incorporates the files and components necessary to display a project, and keeps a record of the location of the servers where CitectSCADA Runtime data is generated.

The deployments configured on a Web Server are listed on the Web Client home page, which is the page that appears when you initially log in. The configuration details for a deployment can be displayed by clicking the small plus (+) icon to the left of the deployment name.

The type of action you can implement for a deployment depends on the permissions granted by your log in. For example, if you log in as a View-only Client, you can only view a deployment. If you are an administrator, you can edit deployments and create new ones.

The following list describes the functionality associated with each of the icons presented on the home page.:

Add New Deployment - takes you to the Deployment Configuration page where you can create a new deployment (Administrator Clients only).

Help - displays this help page on how to configure and use the Web Client.

Edit Deployment - takes you to the Deployment Configuration page and allows you to edit the selected deployment (Administrator Clients only).

Delete Deployment - Deletes the selected deployment (Administrator Clients only).

Start Control Client - Displays the selected deployment with Control Client permissions (Control Client and Administrator Client only)

Start View-only Client - Displays the selected deployment with View-only Client permissions

Additionally, the System Messages panel provides notification of events that impact the current status of the Web Server.

Note: The Citect.ini file settings used by a Web Client are taken from the Citect.ini file on the Web Server at the time of connection. This includes which clusters a Web Client has access to. To switch clusters in a project viewed using a Web Client, use the functions ClusterActivate and ClusterDeactivate.

See Also