Events have the following properties:
For a single computer system, specify GLOBAL for the event name:
Name |
If you are using a network and want to run an event on every computer, specify GLOBAL for the event name. If you want to run an event only on specific computers, specify an event name and use the Computer Setup Wizard (Custom setup) to specify which computer(s) will run the event. The event name does not have to be unique: you can specify many events with the same name.
Enter a value of 16 characters max.
Note: Make event names agree with the Tag name syntax. The use of any other characters such as spaces will result in a compiler error. Instead of a space, use an underscore character (_).
Cluster Name
The default cluster to be used when the event action and event trigger Cicode is run. Any tags in these Cicode expressions will resolve to this default cluster if they don't have their cluster specified inside the expression. This field can be left blank in single cluster systems or if every tag inside the expressions are declared in the <ClusterName>.<TagName> format.
The time of day to synchronize the Period in hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds). If you do not specify a time, Period is synchronized at 00:00:00 (that is, midnight). Enter a value of 32 characters maximum.
The period to check for the event, in hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds). Enter a value of 32 characters maximum. Alternatively you can specify:
If you do not specify a period or time, the period defaults to one second. If you do not specify a period, but do specify the time, the period defaults to one day.
The Cicode expression (or Variable tag) which is
used to determine whether the event Action is executed. This
expression is checked every one second. Enter a value of 254
characters maximum.
The commands to execute. Enter a value of 64 characters maximum.These commands will execute in the following circumstances:
Any useful comment. Enter a value of 48 characters maximum.