Q: Why is #COM displayed on my pages?
A: The #COM indicates a communication error for this animation. If the I/O Device associated with the data is offline, #COM is displayed.
Q: I'm getting communication errors with my PLC (hardware alarms, #COMS, missing symbols or missing trend data on my pages). What do I do now?
A: Use the CitectSCADA Kernel window. (See Using the CitectSCADA Kernel for details.)
Q: I get the error "Citect low on Physical memory" when I startup CitectSCADA. What can I do about this error?
A: On startup, CitectSCADA checks that you have enough available physical memory (real physical memory not virtual memory) to run your system. If CitectSCADA starts to use lots of virtual memory your system performance will be seriously affected. Under some conditions CitectSCADA cannot correctly detect the amount of physical memory and this alert message displays when in fact you do have enough memory. See the alert message Low physical memory for details.
Q: Why is my menu in VGA on an XGA resolution?
A: The default menu is a simple menu that puts buttons to every one of your pages on a VGA size page. If you want a better menu, configure your own page using the menu templates.
Q: I have a spare dongle but I do not know what type, point count or how many users it supports.
A: When running CitectSCADA, start the kernel and type PAGE GENERAL and view the bottom of the screen. There is information on the above questions.
Q: I have configured a few Events that are not running, but run on another machine with exactly the same project. What am I doing wrong?
A:CitectSCADA computers will only run Events if they are set up to do so. Use the Computer Setup Wizard to enable or disable events on each computer.
Q: How do I reset accumulators. I tried writing to the tag directly but it just keeps counting up?
A: Use the AccControl function.
Q: I have deleted a lot variable tags from my project but the number of records remain the same. It seems that even though I have deleted them they still exist?
A: This is true. You need to
pack your database by selecting Pack from the File menu in the Project Editor. This
deletes records marked for deletion and reindexes those that
remain. pack regularly if you have been deleting or editing the
Variables database file using third-party database editors (like
Q: I want to set up a file server, but I would like the client connections to be as robust as possible if the server experiences an outage. What steps can I take?
A: Use the Computer Setup Wizard - run in Custom mode. Enter a standby location in the Backup project path field of the General Options Setup page. See General Options Setup for details.
Q: How do I quickly set up communications to an I/O Device?
A: Use the Express Communications Wizard to select the I/O Server, manufacturer, then the I/O Device, then the communication method. This quickly sets up the basic options necessary, but does not set up advanced features. See Using the Communications Express Wizard for details.