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Set value processing at CHPs

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The number of values which the set value can become equals the number of the defined levels. The value which the set value can become always equals exactly one of the defined values for the levels. The EMS does not allocate another number to the set value.

The initialization is carried out with the currently measured output. If this value does not equal a defined level, the next smaller level is allocated. The CHP is treated as unavailable as long as the measured output does not match a level. If the measured output is disturbed, the CHP is not available and the set value is initialized as recently as a valid measured value arrives.

As a measured output does not have to equal a set value exactly, a hysteresis is defined around the set value. A level counts as reached or set as soon as the current output value is within the hysteresis of the given set value. The hysteresis can be defined for each CHP individually.

The defined levels must not be skipped when allocating the set value. The EMS appoints the set value only to the next higher or lower level.

A set value input is only carried out if the CHP shows an explicit level (considering the hysteresis) at that time. Otherwise the CHP is not available because the measured value does not equal a level.