Basics / Requirements

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In order to use the direct integration in the SAP world, the computer running the control system must additionally have the SAP GUI installed. The program libraries included in the SAP GUI are absolutely required for communication with an SAP system.

No further configurations on the SAP side are required. Installing the SAP GUI is sufficient for enabling data exchange. The rest of the parameters can be entered right in the development environment.

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Integration with SAP/R3 was tested and approved with SAP interface version "7100.2.92.5705".

Via the RFC interface, actions in the SAP system are executed by calling function blocks. Function blocks are included in the delivery of the SAP system. User-defined function blocks can also be programmed via the ABAP Workbench. ABAP is a programming language developed by SAP, which is used for all function blocks in the SAP system. The integration in the control system is currently limited to the standard function blocks delivered by SAP. However, we created a flexible interface in the control system that lays the basics for integrating customer-specific function blocks. Extensions to the interface can be made after clearance by the product marketing and by way of standard extension cycles of the product.

The complete descriptions of function blocks with their parameters, internal tables and employed structures can be read from the SAP system via functions of the RFC API or by means of different function blocks.

Integration is performed according to the following procedure:

Requirements in the control system:

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There must be a license for the ERP Integration module.

Modules/units in the SAP/R3 system:

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The maintenance module (category logistics) is required as the communication partner in the SAP/R3 system.