Setpoint default

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This function is only available for pictures of type Keyboard. In addition the text field Set value must have been created. It makes it possible to set or set and send a previously defined value.

You can choose from the following actions:



propose value

The set value is written in the keyboard window

Close window

The set value is written in the keyboard window and the keyboard window is closed via OK.

RGM: Write value

The set value is written in the keyboard window and the keyboard window is closed via OK.

If the keyboard window is called up from the recipe table of the RGM, the recipe value is written to the variable.

RGM: Save recipe

The set value is written in the keyboard window and the keyboard window is closed via OK.

If the keyboard window is called up from the recipe table of the RGM, the recipe is saved.

RGM: Write value and save recipe

The set value is written in the keyboard window and the keyboard window is closed via OK.

If the keyboard window is called up from the recipe table of the RGM, the recipe value is written to the variable and the recipe is saved.