Driver dialog Beckhoff settings

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Here the AMS timeout in milliseconds is entered. If there is an error during the communication with the TwinCAT PLC (e.g. the PLC does not respond), the communication will be interrupted after that time and the driver status will be set to invalid. Also see chapter: "Requirements". If an AMS router is used, the timeout can be set to 2000 ms.

Runtime systems

This list displays all defined runtime systems (port and NetID). The settings can be changed with the buttons "New", "Edit" and "Delete".

In the variables the defined runtime systems are addressed via the ID. For this the ID is entered as the net address of the according variable. These Runtime systems have to be notified to the operating system with the TwinCAT software "AMS-ROUTER" or "TcAmsRemoteMgr.exe".

info Info

For Beckhoff bus controllers e.g. BC9000 the standard port is 800 and not 801!