Instruction List (IL)

A program written in IL language is a list of instructions. Each instruction is written on one line of text. An instruction may have one or more operands. Operands are variables or constant expressions. Each instruction may begin with a label, followed by the ":" character. Labels are used as destination for jump instructions.

The Workbench allows you to mix ST and IL languages in textual program. ST is the default language. When you enter IL instructions, the program must be entered between "BEGIN_IL" and "END_IL" keywords, such as in the following example

   LD   var1
   ST   var2


Comment texts can be entered at the end of a line containing an instruction. Comment texts have no meaning for the execution of the program. A comment text must begin with "(*" and end with "*)". Comments may also be entered on empty lines (with no instruction), and on several lines (i.e. a comment text may include line breaks). Comment texts cannot be nested.

Data flow

An IL complete statement is made of instructions for:
- first: evaluating an expression (called current result)
- then: use the current result for performing actions

Evaluation of expressions

The order of instructions in the program is the one used for evaluating expressions, unless parenthesis are inserted. Below are the available instructions for evaluation of expressions:

instruction operand meaning
LD  / LDN any type loads the operand in the current result
AND (&) boolean AND between the operand and the current result
OR / ORN boolean OR between the operand and the current result
XOR / XORN boolean XOR between the operand and the current result
ADD numerical adds the operand and the current result
SUB numerical

subtract the operand from the current result

MUL numerical multiply the operand and the current result
DIV numerical divide the current result by the operand
GT numerical compares the current result with the operand
GE numerical compares the current result with the operand
LT numerical compares the current result with the operand
LE numerical compares the current result with the operand
EQ numerical compares the current result with the operand
NE numerical compares the current result with the operand
Function call func. arguments calls a function
Parenthesis   changes the execution order

Notes: Instructions suffixed by "N" uses the boolean negation of the operand.


The following instructions perform actions according to the value of currrent result. Some of these instructions do not need a current result to be evaluated:

instruction operand meaning
ST  / STN any type stores the current result in the operand
JMP label jump to a label - no current result needed
JMPC label jump to a label if the current result is TRUE
JMPNC / JMPCN label jump to a label if the current result is FALSE
S boolean sets the operand to TRUE if the current result is TRUE
R boolean sets the operand to FALSE if the current result is TRUE
CAL f. block

calls a function block (no current result needed)

CALC f. block calls a function block if the current result is TRUE
CALNC / CALCN f. block calls a function block if the current result is FALSE

Notes: Instructions suffixed by "N" uses the boolean negation of the operand.