Driver dialog S5 TCP

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TCP configuration file

The standard file Default.tcp has to be in the current project directory. The filename Default.tcp can be changed for a project by simply overwriting it.

Error waiting time (ms)

If the connection fails, the driver will take this amount of time between re-attempts to establish communication. Shorter waittimes result in a higher update time load.

Hardware hysteresis for Fetch Event

The hysteresis will be considered for event recognition.

PLC is S7 compatible

Please select, if a VIPA S7 PLC is used.

Conn. file

Selected configuration file

Connection list

Displays the connection names with the corresponding hardware addresses. By selecting the connection name with the mouse the connection parameters are displayed.


Net Address

Corresponds with the net address of the variable definition.

Connection name

Freely definable name.

Connection type: Fetch/Aktiv Prio


Local port

0000 (Assigned automatically by the operating system during Runtime)

Remote Port:

Configure the port number defined at the CP.

Event Fetch:

Use the notification mode. If this option is active, only data blocks will be read.


Other TCP/IP address:

IP address of the TCP/IP CP.
When changing this address, the Other IP at
Connection type: Write/Aktiv Prio:2 will be changed automatically.
Ask your system administrator for the IP address.



Connection type: Write/Aktiv Prio


Local port:

0000 (Assigned automatically by the operating system during Runtime)


Remote Port:


Other TCP/IP address:

IP address of the TCP/IP CP.
When changing this address, the Other IP at
Connection type: Fetch/Aktiv Prio:2 will be changed automatically.
Ask your system administrator for the IP address.


Save new connection

New Conn.:

Create new connection

Delete Conn.:

Delete existing connection

Edit Conn.

Edit existing connection

Create new connection

With empty connection list: Enter connection parameters. Click on button Save. With existing connections: Click on button Conn. new. Enter connection parameters. Click on button Save.

Copy connection

Select the desired connection in the connection list with the mouse. Adjust net address and connection parameters. Click on button Save.

Display connections

Select the desired connection in the connection list with the mouse.

Edit connection

Select the connection you wish to change from the connection list and click on the button Edit conn.. Perform changes and close with Save.

Delete connection

Select the desired connection in the connection list. Click on the button Delete conn..