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Driver dialog general

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allows to switch between hardware and simulation mode


- Hardware:

A connection to the control is established.


- Simulation static

No communication between to the control is established, the values are simulated by the driver. In this modus the values remain constant resp. the variables keep the values which were set by straton.


- Simulation counting

No communication between to the control is established, the values are simulated by the driver. In this modus the driver increments the values within a value range automatically.


Keep update list in the memory

Variables which were requested once are still requested from the control even if they are currently not needed.
This has the advantage that e.g. multiple picture switches after the picture was opened for the first time are executed faster because the variables need not be requested again. The disadvantage is a higher load for the communication to the control.

Variable image remanent

This option saves and restores the current value, time stamp and the stati of a data point.

This option is true for the following cases:

- The data type must be of object type driver variable.

- One of the states S_MERKER_1(0) up to S_MERKER8(7), REVISION(9), AUS(20) or ERSATZWERT(27) must be active

- The driver must be running in simulation mode.

Global Updatetime ms:

If this option is activated, the appointed global update time in ms is used for all variables in the project. The priority set at the variables is not used.

If the option is deactivated, the set priority is used for each variable.


Here you set the polling times for the individual priorities. All variables with the according priority are polled in the set time. The allocation is takes place for each variable separately in the settings of the variable properties.
The communication of the individual variables are graduated in respect of importance or necessary topicality using the priorities. Thus the communication load is distributed better.