Command input

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Command input serves primarily for the secured switching of data points in Energy technology. 'Secured' means that there is a check whether the switching operation is allowed, according to the configured interlocking condition and the dynamically updated topology (current physical state of the topological network). The configuration of the topology and the command interlockings is done via the ALC (Automatic Line Coloring).

In general a data point for the command input consists always of two physical data points. A response variable and a command variable. Depending on the action to be executed, they are executed on one of the two data points.

Example Example

' Double command On: sends the command / the new value to the command variable. By way of the response variable, the success of the executed action can be checked.

The synchronization of the actions from the command input is done via a communication object that is runtime-monitored and updated cyclically in the driver. This object is automatically assigned to the response variable. The activation of such an object is evaluated in the system by the activation of the "Select" status bit.

Status input off: "Status input off": resets all the active statuses of the response variable; the command variable is not affected by this action. 

Two-step command operations are usually performed via a context menu and the picture type „Command input". Specific control elements are provided for this. They enable an individual optical and functional design of the command input. Thus you can for example assign individual actions to button 'actions'. After that you can access them directly. This picture type also provides the necessary requirements in order to carry out functions such as unlocking, two-step execution, two-hand control, locking etc. Such a picture can be loaded over a function directly at the element (instead of the Set value dialog), or via a context menu.

Whether an action (switching action) at a specific moment is allowed (no interlocking conditions apply) or forbidden (a non-unlockable condition applies) or whether it can only be executed after unlocking (an unlockable condition applies), is determined from the command interlockings and the current state of the topological model during runtime.

info Info

The command interlockings can be exported and imported as well as exchanged and duplicated on the interlocking level.

attention Attention

All the following functions are only available if the 'Energy Edition' was licensed.