Configuration of the sources

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The configuration of the sources, e.g. their names and colors (sequence and priority), is done project-specific witin the project properties under ALC configuration.

The following parameters can be defined for each single source:


Internal unique consecutive number, so that the source can be identified. This number is given by the system automatically and cannot be changed.


Logical name for the source (e.g.: 'water' or 'grounded'). This name is also used when selecting the source number for Combined elements. You can change the name by clicking it with the left mouse button. With this edit mode is switched on. The changes are accepted with Enter or by selecting another source.


Foreground color of the source. This color is used for coloring lines, polylines and as the outside color of tubes.


Background color of the source. This color is used as the background color for tubes and procedural elements (Combi element).

The definition of the colors can directly be done with entering the according hexadecimal code. To do this click the color with the left mouse button, so that the edit mode is activated. The changes are accepted with Enter or by selecting another source.

Alternatively the color can also be selected from a dialog. When activating the hexadecimal code a button '...' appears in the column. Clicking it opens the color selection.

The hexadecimal code describes the RGB color value andconsists of the following. #RRGGBB.


Identifier, that a hexadecimal color code is used.


2 digits are the red value of the color in hexadecimal system. 0-255 is 0-FF


2 digits are the green value of the color in hexadecimal system. 0-255 is 0-FF


2 digits are the blue value of the color in hexadecimal system. 0-255 is 0-FF

With the buttons 'New' and 'Delete' new sources are created resp. existing sources are deleted.

attention Attention

Limitations for deleting sources:

The sources 0 to 9 are reserved for system sources and cannot be deleted.

Only the source with the highest ID can be deleted.

info Info

The sequence in this list represents the priority of the sources, with the first element having the highest priority.

In order to change the priorities of the single sources, they can be moved upwards or downwards

in the list with the arrow buttons.