RT changeable data

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There are different data which can be changed in the zenon Editor as well as in the Runtime. If all Runtime files are created resp. transported, the files meanwhile changed in the Runtime would be overwritten. In order to avoid unwanted overwriting the files, that should not be created resp. transported, can be selected here in the section Do not generate and transfer.

Data changed in the Runtime can be read back. In this case the corresponding Editor data are overwritten. In order to avoid unwanted overwriting the files, that should not be read beack, can be selected here in the section Do not decompile.

The following file types can be selected:

Recipegroup Manager

Recipe groups and recipes of the Recipegroup Manager


Standard recipes

User administration

User administration for the password system

Production and Facility Scheduler (PFS)

Changes in the time models and schedules of the PFS

Message Control

Recipient database of the Message Control