Global Project

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info Info

A Global Project is a project that is not connected to a process.

info Info

In the Runtime the global project is not loaded.

The following objects or the Global Project are available in every project of the Workspace.


Templates, that do not exist in local projects are taken over by the Global project. The identification is the name.


Are merged on the same level as font lists. A locally inexistent font list is taken over by the Global project, The identification is the name.


Users are merged by the identification. Users, that do not exist in local projects are taken over by the Global project.

info Info

Users form Global Projects are displayed in the Runtime of all Sub-Projects. Though they are read only. They cannot be administered in the Runtime User Administration.

Language files

Language files are merged on the level as keywords and file names. Keywords, that do not exist in local projects are taken over by the Global project.


Files, that do not exist in local projects are taken over by the Global project.

info Info

It is not possible to open the VBA Editor in a Global project.