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The export file for the pictures has the following sections:

Pictures list

Templates list

Variable list

Functions list

Script list
List of symbols

The included variables and functions are exported with the pictures. The pictures with their dynamic elements and the templates are imported automatically. Variables and functions have to be imported manually before from the same file.

Only variables and functions of the first level are treated, i.e. variables and functions that are directly linked to the picture. As on the one hand variables can be linked to functions (e.g. setting values) but on the other hand functions can be linked to variables (e.g. limit functions), it can be necessary to first import the variables, then the functions, and then the variables again. Then all links should work correctly.

info Info

Here the use of a self-defined wizard (VBA macro for the Editor) can really make sense under circumstances.

Example Example

A picture contains a button with a function Send value to hardwrae to a variable.

The function is exported/imported with the picture but not the variable.