Time synchronization in the network

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In the network interconnection it is absolutely necessary that all computers work to synchronized time. zenon automatically takes care of the time synchronization.

This automatic time synchronization can be switched off with an entry in the zenon6.ini:


1 - automatic time synchronization active (default)
0 - automatic time synchronization inactive

This entry must be under chapter [Netz]. If chapter [Netz] is not already there, you must create it.

Example Example



If the automatic time synchronization is switched off, the operatig system offers means to realize it. A time server is to be specified for this (with or without DCF77) which takes on the time synchronization of the other computers.

In the classic client server topology the current server is the active time master. It should update itself with DCF (radio controlled clock) or the Windows time commands. The ckients get the current time from the server (depending on the defined timeout) and update their times accordingly. This is done via SNTP (System Network Time Protocol), so that the delay time is considered.

If a DCF (radio controlled clock) or the Windows commands are used on the clients, the time synchronization should be switched off (in zenOn6.ini).

In a topology with circular redundancy or with several servers it is better to use the time synchronization via DCF (radio controlled clock) or the Windows commands.

info Info

Timesynchronization is carried out periodically!
Time is synchronized with every third watchdog (nettimeout)!
The user, who is logged on the client needs authorization to change time on the computer.

Windows command for the synchronization with another computer:

NET TIME [\\\\Computer | /WORKGROUP:Agname][/SET][/YES]

Windows command



Name of the computer (time server) whose time should be displayed and synchronized with others.


Name of the workgroup of the time server if it does not belong to the current workgroup.


Name of the workgroup of the computer with which the clock of the current computer should be synchronized. The first available time server of the mentioned group will be used if more than one time servers are in the group.


Synchronizes the clock of the computer with the computer stated before.


Executes the NET command without asking for confirmation.

Example Example

NET TIME \\\\Server /SET /YES