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Manual engineering of variables

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A driver S7-TCP has to be loaded for the connection to the sequence chain. Refer to the driver documentation for the driver configuration.

According variables for the connection to the sequence chain have to be created.

Variable for the analysis of the instance datablock.

The following properties have to be checked:

Data block

Number of the instance datablock

Data type


Driver object type

Ext. data block

Array size

Size of the instance datablock (see above) e.g. 740 bytes = 740

Variable for the number of the disturbed step / transition.

The following properties have to be checked:


Message number of the interlock added with 200000 hex; e.g. message number = 8 + 200000hex = 200008hex = 2097160 dez

Data type


Driver object type


For an entry in the alarm adminsitration of the control system this variable has to be linked with a limit or reaction matrix - refer to the according documentation.

Variable for the message of the operand analysis.

The following properties have to be checked:



Data type


This is done with the button Variable and selecting the according variable.

The button Properties opens a dialog, wher the exported files (source of the instance datablock and symbolism list) have to be set.