In order to establish a connection to a remote
system, the following preconditions must be fulfilled:
- zenon (at least version 6.22 or higher) must
be installed.
- The Remote Desktop service (zenVNCSrv.exe) must be activated at the PC. You can
activate the service using the Remote Desktop configuration
software (see also Konfiguration). You can check if
the service is running by using the Windows task manager.
- A user must be logged in at the remote PC
and the PC must not be locked. See chapter Limitations.
- In Windows CE, you must start the Remote
Desktop service zenVNCSrvCE.exe, either
manually or via the Windows CE startup options. Please look up the
documentation of the device to find out how you can activate these
startup options. You can check if the service is running by using
the Windows CE task manager (if available).
- The service must be registered in the
Windows Firewall and in all other firewalls. The ports 5600 (http
port) and 5610 (Remote Desktop port) must be registered. You can
check if these ports are registered and activated by establishing a
Telnet connection from another PC to port 5600 and 5610. For that,
start the command prompt (
) and enter the following
telnet RemotePCName
If the connection is successful, a black window appears.
In Windows Vista, Telnet is not installed by default. You can
install the program by performing the following steps:
Click on Start > Control Panel > Programs and then on 'Turn
Windows features on and off'.
Activate the check box 'Telnet client' in the Windows features list
and click on 'OK'.
- The ports 5600 and 5610 should not be used
by other programs. If they are used by other programs, the system
will randomly select other ports. You can check the port assignment
with the Windows command
-n -a -o
in the command prompt. You can find out the process
ID of the Remote Desktop service zenVNCSrv.exe in the tab
of the task
manager. If the ID is not visible, you can activate the column
PID (Process ID)"
in the menu
View - Select columns..."
- If you establish the connection via the
Editor, make sure that TCP/IP is set as the transport medium in the
Remote Transport. You also have to enter a computer as the target
system, either for Remote Transport or as project server.
- Windows Vista's fast user switching is not
supported. It leads to disconnection. See chapter Limitations
Deactivated HTTP
If you have deactivated the HTTP Server, you
can still reach the login page via a browser refresh.
The page will then be routed from the normal HTTP port (5600) to
the Remote Desktop port (5610). This way you can still login
and have full access. To avoid access, change the password or block
the Remote Desktop port (5610).