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Error modifying variable

If a modification for one or more variables is not possible, the dialog Error modifying variable opens. Here the variables that cannot be changed in this way, are listed. It is opened, before the modification is made and only, if variables, which connot be changed, exist. The entries can be sorted and filtered.


Name of the variable, which cannot be changed.


Name of the driver with the driver identification, on which the variable is based.

Data type

Datatype used by the variable.

Driver object type

Driver object type used by the variable.


Description of the cause, why the variable cannot be changed.


Modifying the variable is stopped. No modifications are made.

Ignore all

All variables, which cannot be changed, are ignored. The variables, which can be changed, are modified. A message for all ignored variables is generated in the output window. The text is the same as in the 'Message'.


Return to modification dialog.

Status Line

Number of selected variables and obstacles. On recognizing the first obstacle the variable is taken as non-modifyable. Thee can be more obstacles, which then are not analyzed. In complex variables (arrays or structures) also all activated variables are checked, if they can handle the changes. For each non-modifyable, activated variable a message is generated. This means, that the number of obstacles can be higher than the number of selected variables.