Creating a reaction matrix

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Select "Reaction matrix" in the Project Manager and open the context menu with the right mouse button. There, select Reaction matrix new....

In the appearing dialog, enter the name and the type of the reaction matrix (binary, analog, multibinary, multianalog). Please be aware that the type cannot be changed later on. The name however can be changed at any time.

The several types of reaction matrices are used for the following evaluations:


Evaluation of discrete states (bit-oriented)


Evaluation of analog states (value-oriented)


Extended evaluation of 32 bit variables; the first 16 bits determine the value of the variable and are passed on as numeric value; rerouting of status bits; special function (switch-off of data points when status bit is set) (Protective data configuring - only SAT-specific)


Extended evaluation with simultaneous status routing and special function (switch-off of data points when status bit is set)

