Description:   Alarm Summary Disable Options (Filter Alarms).

Syntax:         <DIALOG>ALMSUMONOFF                        


Arguments:    (no blank spaces allowed)

See Also:       <GOTO>ALMSUMMARY, 7.5 Alarm Summary Display and 7.5.1 Alarm Filter.


Pops up a Dialog Box with a list of Alarm Priorities.  The Check Boxes indicate if the alarms are ignored by the Alarm Summary (i.e. filtered).  For example, checking Priority 1 would disable alarms of priority one from appearing on the Alarm Summary.  This is essentially an Alarm Filter allowing Operators to limit the number of Alarms on the Alarm Summary.  Can also Filter alarms by Acknowledge or Unacknowledged State, Range (Return to Normal, Unacknowledged) and an operator Tag named LOCK . Can be safely used outside of Alarm Summary Display.