2.1.2   DRAW

DRAW is the graphics builder used by engineers and technicians to develop graphical displays of real-time data. The DRAW Graphics Builder is an object-oriented and vector-based graphics program. A graphic display is a vector-based, pictorial screen used to depict a process and its dynamic data.

No modification of graphics is required to view them on the Web. No HTML programming is required. All security functions are supported.  The WebAccess VIEW Clients allow full read and write capability (with password security).

Figure 2-4 DRAW - the graphics builder

The Graphics Builder is called DRAW (if using a web browser) and DrawDAQ (if using the standalone or local Project node version). An engineer or automation technician can use either DRAW or DrawDAQ to develop graphics and animate them. 

The Client Plug-in is required to use DRAW in a web browser.

WebAccess also provides standard Pop-up Dialog boxes, Toolbars and Pushbuttons in Web Browser clients to speed application development and reduce engineering time.

Engineers and technicians can easily build graphics using pre-built symbols, Toolbars, Buttons, Widgets, Faceplates, etc.  

Pre-built Template displays are provided for Alarm Summary, Point Detail, Overview, Faceplate Groups, Alarm Groups, real-time and Data Log trends.  

DRAW runs inside a Web Browser (Internet Explorer 6.0 or 7.0 required). DRAW is part of the Client Plug-in allowing users to build and modify graphics remotely using a web browser.  The graphics are built during a connection with the Project Node and stored on the Project Node.  Using the Project Manager, engineers and technicians can download the graphics from the Project node to the SCADA node(s).

Anyone with a Web Browser, the Client Plug-in and a connection to the Project Node can use DRAW. The Client Plug-in can be downloaded from the Project node.  If a user tries to use DRAW without the plug-in, WebAccess will prompt to begin a download of the Client Plug-in.

To get start DRAW see 10.2 Start WebAccess DRAW or 10.2.1 Start local graphics builder - DrawDAQ  and 10.2.2 Build a simple graphic .