20.7Project Property

The Project Property page is usually accessed to Add or Create new users or specify a non standard HTTP port to use for the Web server pages (including VIEW and Project Manager).

Project Name

Changing Project Name will rename your project.  It will not create a second project.

Project Description

This is used for your reference and not seen outside the Project Manager.

Project Node IP Address

It is better to change the IP address using UPDATE from the Project Manager Home.

If you enter a new address for your project here, you will be redirected to the new IP address, after you press submit.  The system will try to connect to the new Address.

The IP Address field can be any valid network address including URL, Net Bios Network name (the Microsoft computer Name), IP Address or a HOST name (defined in the HOSTS file of Clients and Nodes).  

Project Primary TCP Port

This is the Primary TCP Port used to download files to Clients and  back to the Project Node.

0 = default = 4592.

You only need to change the Primary TCP Port is you are dealing with Firewalls, Routers, Gateways and Port Mapping.


This is the TCP port used by the Web Server (IIS). ASP Pages are served over this port.

0 = default = 80

You need to change this to match the Port used by your Web Server. This may be different than the default (80) if you are using Port Mapping.

You can verify the Port used by IIS on the Project Manager, from Internet Services Manager, Properties,  Web Site tab.

Project TimeOut

Project Timeout is the time, in seconds, Project Node (Web Server) to wait  before the connection to the SCADA Node or Client is considered.

0 is the default value (15 seconds). 

You may need to increase the Project Timeout:

·         if you have a very slow connection and are working with DRAW  which requires a connection to the Project Node

·         The connection between the Project Node and SCADA node is slow and you have a very large database resulting in “Cannot connect to SCADA Node or Project Node” errors.

A related topic involves the Script TimeOut for IIS (the Web Server software).

Remote Access Code

The Remote Access Code is specified during Node Software Installation.  This value must match the value specified during software install.

When a new project is created, the Remote Access Code used to install software is inserted in this field.  If your Remote Access Code is blank after when you create a new project, then you do not have a Remote Access Code.

This code is to prevent unauthorized users from downloading a project to your Project Node.  Without a remote access code, any one can access you Project.

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO USE A REMOTE ACCESS CODE!  You can either reinstall Node Software or edit the BWSERVER.INI file on your Project and SCADA Nodes. (then change the value using UPDATE in Project Manager Home page).