Remote LogWin

You can use the Remote LogWin tool (located in the Tools menu) to monitor the Output log (LogWin) of an IWS project running on a remote computer. The project must have the LogWin execution task enabled, and the remote computer must be in runtime.

To use the Remote LogWin tool:
  1. On the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Remote Management group, click LogWin. The Remote Computer dialog is displayed.
  2. Enter the IP address of the remote computer, as shown below.
    Figure 1. Entering a Remote IP

    Note: The IP address is only an example. Please verify the IP address of the computer to which you want to connect.
  3. Click OK to connect to the specified address. If the connection is good, then the Remote LogWin window is displayed.
    Figure 2. Remote LogWin

When you are done, just close the window to disconnect.