You must use IIS (Microsoft's Internet Information Server) or Peer-Web Services. WebAccess uses ASP (Active Server Pages) that are only supported by Microsoft Web Servers. Windows NT Security affects connection to the Project Node. WebAccess Security controls access to the SCADA node.
WebAccess supports the following security features in a web site:
· Anonymous Access - the least secure
· Windows Integrated Security - A user name and password required to connect to the web server (project node) to find the address of the SCADA node and download asp pages.
· Firewalls - two TCP ports required
· VPN (Virtual Private Networks) - constructs a private network that "tunnels" through the Internet or other network (the most secure).
· Secure Sockets Layer - Server side certificates and Client side certificates.
· Only Project Node is a Web Sever. SCADA nodes do not need to be Web Servers.