The CIMPLICITY OPC Server is an out-of-process server compliant with the OPC Data Access V2.0x and V3.0 specifications. The OPC Server allows OPC clients to read, write, and subscribe to changes in CIMPLICITY runtime database points.
The CIMPLICITY OPC Server is an extremely flexible and robust communications tool.
The OPC Server:
Stores data in an XML file. Important: Open the OPC Server at least one time before you attach clients and confirm that the projects from which data is to be served are configured as needed. |
Runs as an interactive or hidden process, depending on how it was started. |
Restarts collecting data when a project stops and restarts, without having to stop and restart. |
Provides an OPC Server interactive window with features that include monitoring a project's state and an embedded Point Control Panel. |
The CIMPLICITY OPC Server requires
a 75 IO point license or higher to collect serve data from
CIMPLICITY projects. running on other computers.
Tlist 7 Active X control ©
Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc was used to build the Tree View display in the OPC Server
Troubleshoot OPC connections. |
CIMPLICITY OPC Server technical notes. |
About CIMPLICITY OPC products. |