ASCII forms must contain printer control sequences, which are cryptic strings of alphanumeric characters and special characters.
The control characters that you use depend on the printer to which the ASCII form will be sent. You should be able to find the specific control character syntax in your printer documentation
You can
Define the control sequences in a
Control Character Token file.
A Control Character Token file must be created for each device type.
Associate the Control Character
Token file with one or more ASCII forms.
If you use more than one ASCII form, all of the forms can use the same control character file or any of the ASCII forms can use its own file.
Note: This step is not necessary if the Control
Character Token file you plan to use is already up-to-date and
The ability to enter control characters in Control Character Token files that are separate from the ASCII forms helps to:
Reduce typing (control characters
often have to be repeated several times).
Improve readability of the ASCII
Reduce the need for the form
developer to remember the control sequences.
Steps to make a Control Character Token file available for use are:
Open a Control Character Token file. |
Write a Control Character Token file. |
Save the Control Character Token file. |
Compile the Control Character Token file. |
Add/publish the Control Character Token file. |
ASCII form configuration. |