Tracker Tutorial Exercises

The Tracker Tutorial scenario and exercises are:


Review an overview of the factory process.

Process Details

Learn the details about the factory process that will be tracked.

Exercise 1

Set up for Tracker.

Exercise 2

Configure Production Tracking (PRT).

Exercise 3

Use the Production Tracking User Interface.

Exercise 4

Export and Import Production Tracking data.

Exercise 5

Create a simple CimView screen

Exercise 6

Use Basic Control Engine extensions to modify Tracking information.

Exercise 7

Use the Basic Control Engine extensions to control your process.

Exercise 8

Create a Routing Control Object to modify and route items.

Exercise 9

Create a Split Routing RCO site.

Exercise 10

Create a Split RCO Site with Multiple Routing Logic modules.

Exercise 11

Use Logging and Alarming with Tracker.


Review a summary of what you accomplished.

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