Production Tracking (PRT) is a specialized database designed for the purpose of tracking products as they progress through a factory.
You set up the definitions for the PRT database in the TrackerCfg_UI.
Following is the recommended order for configuring components in your PRT database.
You already have made a rough sketch of areas that will become regions, groups and routes.
In this section, you will define them in detail. In addition, you will create and describe the item types will go through the factory process.
Configure PRT regions and groups. |
Configure PRT routes. |
Configure PRT item types and classes. |
Configure status codes. |
Configure a PRTCNT reset point. |
Define Attributes for the Serialized Items |
Enter service definitions. |
Validate the TRK61 PRT configuration. |
Note: Tracker provides a Wizard that takes you through the configuration steps. The
Wizard if described in other Tracker documentation.