Step 5. Write an Expression

There are three basic questions you can ask the Query engine.


What are the values of all the attributes for an item in the same order you asked for them?


Does an item meet the expression criteria?


What items of a specified type match the expression?

Operators include:

Comparison Operators

For TADB attributes


Logical EQUALS operator.


Logical LESS THAN operator.


Logical GREATER THAN operator.


Logical LESS THAN or EQUALS operator.


Logical GREATER THAN or EQUALS operator.


Logical SQL LIKE operator.

Note: The appropriate information about acceptable wild cards and pattern matching characters can be found in SQL Server Books Online:

  1. Access the index.

  2. Select the entry called LIKE comparisons.

  3. Select the entry called LIKE Transact-SQL Reference.


Logical regular expression comparison operator.

For non-TADB attributes


Logical EQUALS operator.


Logical regular expression comparison operator.


Boolean Operators


Logical NOT operator (placed before an expression)


Logical AND operator.


Logical OR operator


Other Syntax Tools

( )

To group expression elements.

' '

To identify literal values


To form sub-string expressions.


To identify attributes


To identify references to named expressions.


Note: There is no Not Comparison Operator. When an expression should be a not expression, a ! is placed before the expression.

More information

Order Execution Mgt. Query configuration.