Defines whether CitectSCADA recognizes differences in
case in text marked for automatic language change.
[Language]CaseSensitive -
Determines whether text in the language database is treated as
[Language]CharSet - Defines the
character set to be used when the LOCAL translation is displayed at
- Determines whether translation of ASCII reports is governed by
the client or the Reports Server.
[Language]CodePage - Determines the
codepage to be used when printing database records from the Project
[Language]DisplayError - Defines
whether or not an error message will display when a local
translation of a native string cannot be found in the language
[Language]LocalLanguage -
Determines the language of runtime text items such as alarm
descriptions, button text, keyboard/alarm logs, graphic text,
Cicode strings and so on. If set before compiling, this parameter
sets the language database which will be updated with recently
added Native text.