Using CitectSCADA > Defining and Drawing Graphics Pages > Using Objects > Passing Animation Point Metadata as Super Genie Associations

Passing Animation Point Metadata as Super Genie Associations

The metadata you define can be assigned to Super Genie associations. The name of the metadata and the name of the association in the Super Genie need to be the same. If the name matches, the value defined for that name | value pair is then inserted into the relevant ‘association’ field in the Super Genie. At runtime the value is dynamically generated and then displayed on the Super Genie page.

When configuring the object that will call the Super Genie, you can use a Cicode function that will perform the associations individually (DspAnGetMetadataAt()) or at once (AssMetadata()).

The table below outlines the possible display results when passing animation point metadata as Super Genie associations:

where - Y = Defined, N= Not Defined, * =N/A, and

VoE - used when Tag value is not resolved.

Default Value is used when the Metadata Value is not defined

Empty String is treated as "Not defined"

Animation Point Metadata Pairs Associations Display Results at runtime
Name Value Name Default Value Value on Error Tag Resolution Unresolved Tag Literal
Y Y Y Y Y Tag Value VoE Literal
Y Y Y Y N Tag Value #ASS Literal
Y Y Y N Y Tag Value VoE Literal
Y Y Y N N Tag Value #ASS Literal
Y Y N * * Tag Value #ASS Literal
Y N Y Y Y Default Value VoE Default Value (literal)
Y N Y Y N Default Value #ASS N/A
Y N Y N Y #ASS * *
Y N Y N N #ASS * *
N N N * * #ASS * *
N * Y Y Y Default Value VoE Default Value (literal)
N * Y Y N Default Value #ASS N/A
N * Y N Y #ASS * *
N * Y N N #ASS * *
N * N * * #ASS * *

See Also