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A string reaction matrix is used for the evaluation of limit values and status bits of the string variables. In addition to the known configurings of limit value and status combinations, further configurings are possible.

In combination with the status bits the string variable can be checked for the following limit value definitions


any change of value violates the limit


(alphabetically) additional entry of the limit string

For valuation the "character values" are used that are corresponding to the Windows character table.


(alphabetically) additional entry of the limit string

For valuation the "character values" are used that are corresponding to the Windows character table.


additional entry of the limit string

Additionally the following options are available:

Case sensitive

On comparing with the limit string differences in capitalization are regarded.

Regard wildcards

The limit string can have wildcards.

Example Example

Example 1:
In the sequence of execution Capital after minuscule:
Strings: "My", "name", "is", "XY"
Sequence of Execution:
is, Name, My, Henson.

is starts with a minusculo, therefore it is higher than the other strings.
Name, N is higher than M and H, My, M is higher than H