In order to be able to grant the 128 authorization levels of zenon to the users in the AD, these entries (4 integer values) have to be added to the AD schema.
For this purpose the 2 files (zenOnUserLevel.exe, zAD_UserDlg.exe) are copied to the server (best to an own directory). As soon as the setup (zenOnUserLevel.exe) has been started, this folder and the contained files must not be renamed or deleted.
The 2 files (zenOnUserLevel.exe and zAD_UserDlg.exe) can be found on the installation CD. They are in the folder: /Software/zenOnUserLevel/ |
Setup generates a reference to the file zAD_UserDlg.exe in the AD schema.
Additionally four integer values (zenOnUserLevel1, zenOnUserLevel2, zenOnUserLevel3, zenOnUserLevel4) are added to the AD schema.
Only a user of the group Schema Admins may do these changes! Ususally the domain administrator has these rights. |