Appendix B - Abbreviations for data object/data attribute |
IEC850 -> Appendix B - Abbreviations for data object/data attribute |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Term |
Description |
f |
floating point (analog value) |
i |
integer (analog value) |
d |
Visible String(255) |
q |
Quality |
t |
Timestamp |
A |
Current |
Acs |
Access |
Abstract Communication Service Interface |
Acu |
Acoustic |
Age |
Ageing |
Alm |
Alarm |
Amp |
Current non phase related |
To |
Analogue |
Ang |
Angle |
Auth |
Authorization |
Auto |
Automatic |
Aux |
Auxiliary |
Av |
Average |
B |
Bushing |
Bat |
Battery |
Beh |
Behaviour |
Bin |
Binary |
Blk |
Block, blocked |
Bnd |
Band |
Bo |
Bottom |
Cancel |
Cancel |
Cap |
Capability |
Capac |
Capacitance |
Car |
Carrier |
CB |
Circuit Breaker |
Common Data Class |
CE |
Cooling Equipment |
Cf |
Crest factor |
Cfg |
Configuration |
CG |
Core Ground |
Ch |
Channel |
Cha |
Charger |
Chg |
Change |
Chk |
Check |
Chr |
Characteristic |
Cir |
Circulating |
Clc |
Calculate |
Clk |
Clock, clockwise |
Cls |
Close |
Cnt |
Counter |
Col |
Coil |
Cor |
Correction |
Crd |
Coordination |
Crv |
Curve |
CT |
Current Transducer |
Ctl |
Control |
Ctr |
Center |
Cyc |
Cycle |
Dea |
Dead |
Den |
Density |
Det |
Detected |
DExt |
De-excitation |
Diag |
Diagnostics |
Dif |
Differential, difference |
Dir |
Direction |
Dis |
Distance |
Dl |
Delay |
Dlt |
Delete |
Dmd |
Demand |
Dn |
Down |
Double point controllable status output |
DQ0 |
Direct, Quadrature, and zero axis quantities |
Drag |
Drag hand |
Drv |
Drive |
DS |
Device State |
Dsch |
Discharge |
Dur |
Duration |
EC |
Earth Coil |
EE |
External Equipment |
EF |
Earth Fault |
Ena |
Enabled |
Eq |
Equalization, Equal |
Ev |
Evaluation |
Ex |
External |
Exc |
Exceeded |
Excl |
Exclusion |
Ext |
Excitation |
FA |
Fault Arc |
Fact |
Factor |
Fan |
Fan |
Flt |
Fault |
Flw |
Flow |
Forward Power Flow |
Fu |
Fuse |
Fwd |
Forward |
Gen |
General |
Gn |
Generator |
Gnd |
Ground |
Gr |
Group |
Grd |
Guard |
Gri |
Grid |
H |
Harmonics (phase related) |
H2 |
Hydrogen |
H2O |
Water |
Ha |
Harmonics (non phase related) |
Hi |
High, highest |
HP |
Hot point |
Hz |
Frequency |
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
Imb |
Imbalance |
Imp |
Impedance non phase related |
In |
Input |
Ina |
Inactivity |
Incr |
Increment |
Ind |
Indication |
Inh |
Inhibit |
Ins |
Insulation |
Int |
Integer |
Integer status controllable status output |
Km |
Kilometer |
L |
Lower |
LD |
Logical Device |
Line Drop Compensation |
Line Drop Compensation Resistance |
Line Drop Compensation Reactance |
Line Drop Compensation Impedance |
Light Emitting Diode |
Len |
Length |
Lev |
Level |
Lg |
Lag |
Lim |
Limit |
Lin |
Line |
Liv |
Live |
Lo |
Low |
LO |
Lockout |
Loc |
Local |
Lod |
Load, loading |
Lok |
Locked |
Los |
Loss |
Lst |
List |
Load Tap Changer |
M |
minutes |
M/O |
Data Object is Mandatory or Optional |
Max |
Maximum |
Mem |
Memory |
Min |
Minimum |
Mod |
Mode |
Mot |
Motor |
Ms |
Milliseconds |
Mst |
Moisture |
MT |
Main Tank |
N |
Neutral |
Nam |
Name |
Net |
Net sum |
Ng |
Negative |
Nom |
Nominal, Normalising |
Num |
Number |
Ofs |
Offset |
Op |
Operate, Operating |
Oper |
Operate* |
Opn |
Open |
Out |
Output |
Ov |
Over, Override, Overflow |
Pa |
Partial |
Par |
Parallel |
Pct |
Percent |
Per |
Periodic |
PF |
Power Factor |
Ph |
Phase |
Phy |
Physical |
Pls |
Pulse |
Plt |
Plate |
Pmp |
Pump |
Po |
Polar |
Pol |
Polarizing |
Pos |
Position |
Point on wave switching |
PP |
Phase to phase |
Phase to phase voltage |
Pres |
Pressure |
Prg |
Progress, in progress |
Pri |
Primary |
Pro |
Protection |
Ps |
Positive |
Pst |
Post |
Pwr |
Power |
Qty |
Quantity |
R |
Raise |
R0 |
Zero sequence resistance |
R1 |
Positive sequence resistance |
Rat |
Winding ratio |
Rcd |
Record, recording |
Rch |
Reach |
Rcl |
Reclaim |
Re |
Retry |
React |
Reactance; Reactive |
Rec |
Reclose |
Red |
Reduction |
Rel |
Release |
Rem |
Remote |
Res |
Residual |
Ris |
Resistance |
Rl |
Relation, relative |
Rms |
Root mean square |
Rot |
Rotation, Rotor |
Rs |
Reset, Resetable |
Rsl |
Result |
Rst |
Restraint |
Rsv |
Reserve |
Rte |
Rate |
Rtg |
Rating |
Rv |
Reverse |
Rx |
Receive, received |
S1 |
Step one |
S2 |
Step two |
Select before operate* |
SBOw |
Select with value* |
Sch |
Scheme |
Supply change over |
Specific Communication Service Mapping |
Sec |
Security |
Seq |
Sequence |
Set |
Setting |
Sh |
Shunt |
Spd |
Speed |
SPl |
Single Pole |
Single point controllable status output |
Src |
Source |
St |
Status |
Stat |
Statistics |
Stop |
Stop |
Std |
Standard |
Str |
Start |
Sup |
Supply |
Svc |
Service |
Sw |
Switch |
Swg |
Swing |
Syn |
Synchronisation |
Tap |
Tap |
Td |
Total distortion |
Tdf |
Transformer derating factor |
Test |
Test |
Thd |
Total Harmonic Distortion |
Thm |
Thermal |
TiF |
Telephone influence factor |
Tm |
Time |
Tmh = Time in h |
Tmm = Time in min |
Tms = Time in s |
Tmms = Time in ms |
Tmp |
Temperature (°C) |
To |
Top |
Tot |
Total |
TP |
Three pole |
Tr |
Trip |
Trg |
Trigger |
Ts |
Total signed |
Tu |
Total unsigned |
Tx |
Transmit, transmitted |
Typ |
Type |
Un |
Under |
V |
Voltage |
VA |
Volt Amperes |
Vac |
Vacuum |
Val |
Value |
VAr |
Volt Amperes Reactive |
Vlv |
Valve |
Vol |
Voltage non phase related |
VT |
Voltage Transducer |
W |
Active Power |
Wac |
Watchdog |
Watt |
Active Power non phase related |
Wei |
Weak End Infeed |
Wh |
Watt hours |
Wid |
Width |
Win |
Window |
Wrm |
Warm |
X0 |
Zero sequence reactance |
X1 |
Positive sequence reactance |
Z |
Impedance |
Z0 |
Zero sequence impedance |
Z1 |
Positive sequence impedance |
Zer |
Zero |
Zn |
Zone |
Zro |
Zero sequence method |
* SBO,SBOw,Oper, and Cancel: defined in IEC 61850-8-1:
Data attribute name |
Semantics |
Select – returns ACSI name of control |
SBOw |
SelectWithValue – receives service parameters |
Oper |
Operate – receives service parameters and control values |
Cancel |
Cancel – receives service parameters and control values |